Whether your company needs seasonal help, has a short-term project requiring specialized skills, or wants to test a worker in a contract-to-hire role, there will be times when you bring a significant number of temporary employees aboard. Your organization has its staffing needs filled for a specific period without the expense of hiring full-time employees. Because temporary employees are part of your team for a limited time, you may be unsure how to manage them properly. Although they‘re there to help out, they won‘t be with you long-term. So, you need to get the most out of these workers for as long as they‘re with your organization.

Here are a few tips to help you manage temporary employees.

Provide a Rewarding Experience

Since temporary employees are part of your team for a limited time, ensure you maximize their impact. Learn everyone‘s names and a bit about their interests. Introduce temporary employees to teammates and others they‘ll be working with. Explain that they‘ll be helping out for a while. Include temporary employees in meetings and correspondence appropriate for their work. Since they don‘t have a prior history with your organization to draw on when they have questions about their work, temporary employees need as much information and company connectivity as possible. Include them in birthday celebrations, lunches out, and other team activities. Temporary employees need to know they‘re valued members of your team, so they perform their best.

Give a Short Orientation

Provide temporary employees with an abbreviated introduction to your organization. Talk about your company‘s mission, vision, and values so temporary employees can behave in line with them. Include the anticipated length of time they‘ll be working with you. Discuss the scope of the work and what it entails. Share all possible information about the tasks temporary employees will be performing. Include a paper copy of the topics discussed to refer back to as needed. Allow for questions throughout the discussion. Match temporary employees with staff members who can guide them around the office, answer questions, and provide support. Although temporary employees are able to adapt to new positions and work expectations quickly, they need time to assimilate what they learn into their performance.

Give Feedback

As you observe temporary employees working, provide feedback on their performance. Most are looking for ways to improve. Many want to increase their experience level and potentially be offered a full-time position. If permanent employment isn‘t a possibility, be upfront about it. Although a traditional job performance review isn‘t required, you can point out specific things temporary employees do well and offer advice on how to improve in other areas.

Hire Temporary Employees

Hire temporary employees through KNF&T Staffing Resources. We provide contract and contract-to-hire candidates for a variety of fields. Reach out to us today.

About KNF&T Staffing Resources

Since 1983, KNF&T Staffing Resources has been a leading provider of staffing and recruiting services to enterprise clientele throughout the Greater Boston markets. KNF&T provides talented professionals, on a temporary and direct-hire basis, to organizations in the Healthcare, Higher Education, Financial Services, and Non-profit sectors.

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